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Miss Luquer's Botanicals
Gallery of Miss Luquer's Botanicals
for the script of Miss Luquer's
talk on native wildflowers
over a thumbnail for plant identification.
each thumbnail to enlarge paintings.
1. Skunk Cabbage
2. Hepatica/ Pussytoes/ Ground Ivy
3. Marsh Marigold
4a. Dutchman's Breeches
5. Alder Catkins/ Swamp Maple
6. Hazelnut catkins/ Swamp Maple
7. Pitcher Plant
8. Spring Beauty/ Belwort/ Wild Ginger
9b. Lily of the Valley
10. Sweet White Violet/ Downy Yellow Violet
11a. Wild Strawberries
11b. Blood Root
12. Rue Anemone/ Windflower/ Columbine
13. Showy Orchis
14. Horseradish/ Yellow Rocket
15a. Partridge Berry
15b. Trailing Arbutus
16a. Common Cinquefoil
16b. Dog Violet
16c. Trout Lily
17. Alum Root/ Mitrewort/ Great Solomon’s Seal
18. Wind Flower/ Five Fingers
19. Star Grass/ Blue-Eyed Grass/ Rib Grass
20. Cinnamon Fern
21. Yellow Lady's Slipper
22. False Hellebore or Indian Poke
23. Wild Cherry/ Wild Apple
24. Trilliums: Purple, Nodding & Painted Papoose Root
25. Jack-in-the-Pulpit
26. Choke Cherry/ Honeysuckle
27. Flowering Dogwood
28. Catbriar
29. Trumpet Honeysuckle
30. Celandine
31. Wild Black Currant/ American Bladdernut
32. Scarlet Pained Cup/ Chokeberry
33. Comfrey
34. Lamb's Quarter/ Curled Dock
35. Mountain Laurel
36. Forget me not/ Turnip
37a. Huckleberry
37c. Indian Pipe
37d. Blazing Star
38a. Spotted Wintergreen
38b. Beard tongue Penstemon
39a. Maple Leaved Viburnum
39b. Climbing Bittersweet
40. New Jersey Tea/ Milkweed
41. Avens/ Bush Honeysuckle/ Evening Primrose/ Blue Verbain/ Milkweed
42. Bindweed/ Penstemon
43. Common Chickweed/ Yellow Wood Sorrel
44. Field Hawkweed/ Tawny Hawkweed
45. St. John’s Wort/ Daisy Fleabane
46. Climbing Nightshade/ Snowberry/ Moth Mullein/ Toad Flax
47. Cow Parsnips
48. Indian Physic
49. Cranesbill/ Solomon’s Seal: false & true
50. Ox Eye Daisy/ Tall Buttercup/ Red Clover
51. Dwarf Dandelion/ Rattlesnake Weed
52. Low Bush Blackberry
53. Purple-flowering Raspberry
54a. Calopogon
54b. Purple-fringed Orchis
55. Green Orchis/ Ladies Tresses
56a. Pipewort
56b. Common Plantain
57. Queen of the Prairie/ Viper Bugloss/ One Shield Wintergreen
58. Great Lobelia/ Common Milkweed/ New Jersey Tea/ Great Angelica
59. Pasture Rose
60. Pike Milkweed/ Wild Pink/ Yellow Loosestrife/ Speedwell
61. Culver’s Root/ MonkeyFlowers/ Tick Trefoil
62. Downy False Foxglove/ Catnip/Bee Balm/ Wild Bergamot
63. Hop Clover/ White Clover/ Rabbit’s Foot/ Red Clover
64. Tall Meadow Rue/ Choke Cherry
65. Indian Cucumber Root/ Swamp Saxifrage/ Hedge Mustard/ Field Garlic
66. Button Brush/ Butterfly Weed/ Swamp Milkweed
67. Buckwheat/ Moneywort/ Sow Thistle
68. Nannyberry/ Yarrow/Butter & Eggs/ Busy Goldenrod/ Heal All
69. Bush Clover/ Burdock
70. Gall of the Earth
71. Wood Nettle/ Jewelweed
72. Arrow-leaved Tear Thumb/ Wreath Goldenrod/ Jack-in-the-Pulpit
73. Purple-thorn Apple
74. Elder
75. Bull Thistle/ Teasel
76. Water Hoarhound/ St. John’s Wort/ Blue Curls
77. Feverwort
78. Double Bristed Aster/ Mayweed/ Wild Sensitive Plant/ Pearly Everlasting
79. Bitter Weed/ Great Ragweed
80. Elecampane
81. Arrowhead/ Pickeral Weed
82. Mullein
83. Lady’s Thumb/ Queen Ann’s Lace
84. Senna/ Steeple Bush/ Meadowsweet
85. Pokeweed
86. Boneset/ Joe Pye Weed/ Ironweed/ Tansy
87. Garden Angelica/ Cockspur Thorn
88. Ditch Stonecrop/ Cardinal Flower
89. Cow Vetch
90. Grass of Parnassus
91a. Gerardia
91b. White Finger Gentian
92. Dogwood (berries)
93. Blackberry Lily
94. False and True Solomon’s Seal
95. Bouncing Bet/ Aster: Tradescants, Late purple, Michelmas
96. New England Aster/ Heartleaved Aster
97a. Beech Drops
97b. Chickory
98. Fringed Gentian
99. Chestnut
100. Black Alder (Winterberry)
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Miss Luquer's Botanicals